What time does the next MTA Queens Q8 bus depart from 165 St Terminal / Q8 Stand?
The next Q8 bus leaves 165 St Terminal / Q8 Stand at 1:24 PM, and arrives at Pitkin Av / Euclid Av at 2:10 PM. The total trip time for the next MTA Queens Q8 bus is 46.
Is the MTA Queens Q8 bus running on time, early or late?
You can track your bus on a map, monitor real-time updates, and see adjustments to the MTA Queens Q8 schedule by downloading the Transit app.
When does the next MTA Queens Q8 bus arrive?
You can see the next MTA Queens Q8 bus times in the app as well as future departure times for the Q8 bus.
How many bus stops are there for the MTA Queens Q8 bus route?
There are 38 stops on the MTA Queens Q8 bus route.
Is the MTA Queens Q8 bus usually crowded?
You can find real-time information on MTA Queens Q8 bus crowding levels in the Transit app (available in select cities or on select trips). You can also see predictions on how crowded the bus will be when it gets to your bus stop.
Is the MTA Queens Q8 bus currently running?
Find out the current status for the MTA Queens Q8 bus in the Transit app.
What is the closest MTA Queens Q8 bus stop to me?
Open the Transit app to see your location on a map and find the closest Q8 bus stop to where you are.